- pydantic model autoplex.settings.BuildcellOptions[source]#
A model describing the parameters for buildcell.
- field ABFIX: bool = False#
Whether to fix the lattice vectors
- field NFORM: str | None = None#
The number of formula units
- field SYMMOPS: str | None = None#
Build structures having a specified number of symmetry operations. For crystals, the allowed values are (1,2,3,4,6,8,12,16,24,48). For clusters (indicated with #CLUSTER), the allowed values are (1,2,3,5,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,24). Ranges are allowed (e.g., #SYMMOPS=1-4).
- field SYSTEM: None | Literal['Rhom', 'Tric', 'Mono', 'Cubi', 'Hexa', 'Orth', 'Tetra'] | set[Literal['Rhom', 'Tric', 'Mono', 'Cubi', 'Hexa', 'Orth', 'Tetra']] = None#
Enforce a crystal system
- field SLACK: float | None = None#
The slack factor
- field OCTET: bool = False#
Check number of valence electrons is a multiple of eight
- field OVERLAP: float | None = None#
The overlap factor
- field MINSEP: str | None = None#
The minimum separation