Generating reference data#
This tutorial will explain how the reference data from DFT-based phonon structures for the MLIP fit can be generated.
The idea behind the VASP reference data generation stems from J. Chem. Phys. 153, 044104 (2020)
and demonstrates that a robust database of crystalline structures for MLIP reproducing accurate phonon structures can
be build by generating the single-atom displaced supercells using phonopy
and combining them with a set of rattled supercell
structures, generated from the same unit cell models.
Single-atom displaced supercell structures#
The single-atom displaced supercell structures used in autoplex
are generated by phonopy VASP-related routines,
that are collected in the dft_phonopy_gen_data
(see diagram in the general tutorial.
The displacement default is 0.1 Å and can be adjusted. A phonopy
calculation with a displacement of 0.1 Å is
automatically included in the workflow for calculating the DFT benchmark reference
(if no reference is provided by the user). The min_length
parameter controls the supercells size and is set to 20
per default as this value is good for ensuring that the periodic boundary conditions and the energy convergence criteria
for phonon calculations are met. More settings can be found in the API reference.
There is the possibility to run the complete autoplex
workflow using only phonopy
generated supercells:
complete_flow = CompleteDFTvsMLBenchmarkWorkflow(add_dft_random_struct=False, min_length=20,
structure_list=structure_list, mp_ids=mpids,
benchmark_structures=benchmark_structure_list, benchmark_mp_ids=mpbenchmark)
By doing so, the generation of the randomized structures has to be tuned off by setting the add_dft_random_struct
bool to False
You can also decide if you want to only use those single-atom displaced supercells only for the MLIP fit, or if the data
shall be added to an existing database.
Adding data to an existing database is achieved by:
complete_flow = CompleteDFTvsMLBenchmarkWorkflow(
pre_xyz_files=["vasp_ref.extxyz"], pre_database_dir=path/to/database
structure_list=structure_list, mp_ids=mpids,
benchmark_structures=benchmark_structure_list, benchmark_mp_ids=mpbenchmark,)
Where pre_xyz_files
can also take a train and test database as argument, e.g. as
pre_xyz_files=["pre_xyz_train.extxyz", "pre_xyz_test.extxyz"]
is equipped with a DFTPhononMaker class that inherits from the atomate2
PhononMaker with
specific VASP input adjustments to guarantee high quality fit data. It can be used to run individual and customized phonopy
workflows to generate MLIP fit data.
Rattled supercell structures#
There are several ways available in autoplex
to rattle supercell structures,
that are collected in the dft_random_gen_data
(see diagram in the general tutorial.
The size of the supercell is determined by the supercell_matrix
and there is the option of volume distortion, angle distortion or a combination of both provided by distort_type
The displacement of all atomic positions (“rattling”) is controlled by the parameter rattle_type
which uses the the ase
rattle function
(using a normal distribution of a certain standard deviation to draw the displacement value)
by default and can be changed to Monte-Carlo rattling.
complete_flow = CompleteDFTvsMLBenchmarkWorkflow(rattle_type=0, # 0 = standard ase.Atoms.rattle(stddev)
distort_type=0, # only volume distortion
supercell_matrix=[[3, 0, 0], [0, 3, 0]],
volume_scale_factor_range=[0.95, 1.05],
structure_list=structure_list, mp_ids=mpids,
benchmark_structures=benchmark_structure_list, benchmark_mp_ids=mpbenchmark)
The combination of parameters volume_scale_factor_range
and n_structures
will produce 21
(20 volume distorted + the undistorted supercell) supercells with a volume range of 95 to 105% of the original supercell.
Alternatively, the parameter volume_custom_scale_factors
can be used to set specific scale factors.
ℹ️ It is important to note that by using
the parametern_structures
is ignored and only one rattled supercell for each given factor is generated. If more supercells with the same volume scale are needed, this can be achieved by e.g.scale_factors = [0.90, 0.95, 1.00, 1.05, 1.10] complete_flow = CompleteDFTvsMLBenchmarkWorkflow( volume_custom_scale_factors=[val for val in scale_factors for _ in range(5)]).make(...) # will repeat each scale factor five timesExplicitly specifying
is useful if you don’t want evenly spaced intervals between scale factors as e.g., you want to sample around the minimum more closely.
More details and settings are given in the API reference.
Similar to the single-atom displaced supercells, you can run the complete autoplex
workflow using only randomized
structures by setting add_dft_phonon_struct
to False
complete_flow = CompleteDFTvsMLBenchmarkWorkflow(add_dft_phonon_struct=False).make(
structure_list=structure_list, mp_ids=mpids, preprocessing_data=True,
benchmark_structures=benchmark_structure_list, benchmark_mp_ids=mpbenchmark)
It can also be used to extend an already existing database in the same way as demonstrated above.
As a counterpart to the DFTPhononMaker
for generating data, autoplex
includes a RandomStructuresDataGenerator
that can be used to construct customized randomized structures workflows.
provides a variety of utility subroutines to further customize a workflow.
Adjust supercell settings#
You can adjust the supercell settings by passing a dictionary containing your specific supercell settings for each
MP-ID to CompleteDFTvsMLBenchmarkWorkflow
, e.g. like:
mp_id = "mp-22905"
supercell_settings = {
mp_id: {
"supercell_matrix": [[0, 2, 0], [0, 0, 2], [2, 0, 0]]
"min_length": 11,
"max_length": 25,
"fallback_min_length": 9,
"min_atoms": 100,
"max_atoms": 200,
"step_size": 1,
complete_flow = CompleteDFTvsMLBenchmarkWorkflow(
To keep the calculations consistent, this will adjust the settings of single-atom displaced and rattled supercells.
VASP settings#
This part will show you how you can adjust the different Makers for the VASP calculations in the workflow.
For the single-atom displaced as well as the rattled structures the autoplex
TightDFTStaticMaker is
used to set up the VASP calculation input and settings. PBEsol is the default GGA functional. For the VASP calculation
of the isolated atoms’ energies, autoplex
also provides its own IsoAtomStaticMaker,
which settings you can further adjust.
For the VASP geometry relaxation and static calculations of the unit cells as prerequisite calculations for generating
the single-atom displaced as well as the rattled supercells,
we rely on the atomate2
Makers StaticMaker
, TightRelaxMaker
in combination with the StaticSetGenerator
VASP input set generator for this example.
from import CompleteDFTvsMLBenchmarkWorkflow
from import IsoAtomStaticMaker, TightDFTStaticMaker
from import StaticMaker, TightRelaxMaker
from atomate2.vasp.sets.core import StaticSetGenerator
example_input_set = StaticSetGenerator( # you can also define multiple input sets
user_kpoints_settings={"grid_density": 1},
"ALGO": "Normal",
"IBRION": -1,
"ISPIN": 1,
"ISMEAR": 0,
..., # set all INCAR tags you need
"SIGMA": 0.05,
"GGA": "PE", # switches to PBE
static_isolated_atom_maker = IsoAtomStaticMaker(
displacement_maker = TightDFTStaticMaker(
rattled_bulk_relax_maker = TightRelaxMaker(
phonon_bulk_relax_maker = TightRelaxMaker(
phonon_static_energy_maker = StaticMaker(
complete_flow = CompleteDFTvsMLBenchmarkWorkflow(
displacement_maker=displacement_maker, # one displacement maker for rattled and single-atom displaced supercells to keep VASP settings consistent
Note, that for consistency of job handling, autoplex
internally will override the jobs names to the autoplex
INFO Started executing jobs locally
INFO Starting job - reduce_supercell_size_job_mp-22905
INFO Finished job - reduce_supercell_size_job_mp-22905
INFO Starting job - rattled supercells_mp-22905
INFO Finished job - rattled supercells_mp-22905
INFO Starting job - dft tight relax_mp-22905
INFO Finished job - dft tight relax_mp-22905
INFO Starting job - generate_randomized_structures_mp-22905
INFO Finished job - generate_randomized_structures_mp-22905
INFO Starting job - run_phonon_displacements_mp-22905
INFO Finished job - run_phonon_displacements_mp-22905
INFO Starting job - dft rattle static 1/12_mp-22905
INFO Finished job - dft rattle static 1/12_mp-22905
INFO Starting job - dft rattle static 2/12_mp-22905
INFO Finished job - dft rattle static 2/12_mp-22905
INFO Starting job - single-atom displaced supercells_mp-22905
INFO Finished job - single-atom displaced supercells_mp-22905
INFO Starting job - dft tight relax_mp-22905
INFO Finished job - dft tight relax_mp-22905
INFO Starting job - dft static_mp-22905
INFO Finished job - dft static_mp-22905
INFO Starting job - generate_phonon_displacements_mp-22905
INFO Finished job - generate_phonon_displacements_mp-22905
INFO Starting job - run_phonon_displacements_mp-22905
INFO Finished job - run_phonon_displacements_mp-22905
INFO Starting job - dft phonon static 1/2_mp-22905
INFO Finished job - dft phonon static 1/2_mp-22905
INFO Starting job - dft phonon static 2/2_mp-22905
INFO Finished job - dft phonon static 2/2_mp-22905
INFO Starting job - write_benchmark_metrics
INFO Finished job - write_benchmark_metrics
INFO Finished executing jobs locally