Utility functions for fitting jobs.
Calculate the delta parameter and average number of triplets for gap-fitting. |
Check the convergence of the fit. |
Calculate the number of pairwise and triplet within a cutoff distance for a given list of atoms. |
Convert extxyz to pymatgen Structure format. |
Plot the distribution of energy per atom on the output vs. |
Extract GAP label. |
Flatten an iterable fully, but excluding Atoms objects. |
Perform the GAP (Gaussian approximation potential) model fitting. |
Construct a list of arguments needed to execute gap potential from the parameters' dict. |
Convert gcm3 to Vm. |
Get atomic numbers. |
Return a list of vasp_calc_dirs from PhononDFTMLDataGenerationFlow output. |
Perform the ACE (Atomic Cluster Expansion) potential fitting. |
Perform the M3GNet potential fitting. |
Perform the MACE potential fitting. |
Convert the format of virial vector (9,) into a format (3x3) recognizable by MACE. |
Perform the NEP (Neural evolution Potential) model fitting. |
Perform the NequIP potential fitting. |
Plot convex hull. |
Prepare the environment for the fit. |
Julia-ACE script runner. |
GAP runner. |
MACE runner. |
NEP runner. |
Nequip runner. |
QUIP runner. |
Parse all VASP output files (vasprun.xml/OUTCAR) and generates a vasp_ref.extxyz. |
Write train.extxyz and test.extxyz after data distillation and split. |
Built-in mutable sequence. |