
pydantic model autoplex.settings.GAPGeneralSettings[source]#

Model describing general hyperparameters for the GAP fits.

field at_file: str = 'train.extxyz'#

Name of the training file

field default_sigma: str = '{0.0001 0.05 0.05 0}'#

Default sigma values

field energy_parameter_name: str = 'REF_energy'#

Name of the energy parameter

field force_parameter_name: str = 'REF_forces'#

Name of the force parameter

field virial_parameter_name: str = 'REF_virial'#

Name of the virial parameter

field sparse_jitter: float = 1e-08#

Sparse jitter

field do_copy_at_file: str = 'F'#

Copy the training file to

field openmp_chunk_size: int = 10000#

OpenMP chunk size

field gp_file: str = 'gap_file.xml'#

Name of the GAP file

field e0_offset: float = 0.0#

E0 offset

field two_body: bool = False#

Whether to include two-body terms

field three_body: bool = False#

Whether to include three-body terms

field soap: bool = True#

Whether to include SOAP terms