tutorials written by autoplex developers.
The user is advised to have a general familiarity with the following software packages and tools:
the machine-learned interatomic potential (MLIP) framework that is aimed to be used
the Materials Project framework
basic Python knowledge
The tutorials are aimed to demonstrate the usage of autoplex
to generate MLIPs and benchmark it to DFT results.
By the end of these tutorials, you should be able to:
out of the box with default settingscustomize the workflow settings
use any of the submodule workflows to build your own workflows
Tutorial table of content#
Contributors and Their Contributions#
Initial setup documentation
Phonon flows:
Flows documentation
Data generation guide
Fitting documentation
Benchmarking documentation
Contributed to installation guide (with Aakash Naik)
Contributed to jobflow-remote and MongoDB setup (with Aakash Naik)
Contributed to installation guide (with Christina Ertural)
Jobflow-remote and MongoDB setup documentation (with Christina Ertural)
RSS documentation
Phonon flows documentation (with Christina Ertural)