- pydantic model autoplex.settings.NEQUIPSettings[source]#
Model describing the hyperparameters for the NEQUIP fits.
Defaults taken from mir-group/nequip
- field root: str = 'results'#
Root directory
- field run_name: str = 'autoplex'#
Name of the run
- field seed: int = 123#
Model seed
- field dataset_seed: int = 123#
Dataset seed
- field append: bool = False#
When true a restarted run will append to the previous log file
- field default_dtype: str = 'float64'#
Default data type
- field model_dtype: str = 'float64'#
Model data type
- field allow_tf32: bool = True#
Consider setting to false if you plan to mix training/inference over any devices that are not NVIDIA Ampere or later
- field r_max: float = 4.0#
Radial cutoff distance
- field num_layers: int = 4#
Number of layers
- field l_max: int = 2#
Maximum degree of spherical harmonics
- field parity: bool = True#
Whether to include features with odd mirror parity; often turning parity off gives equally good results but faster networks
- field num_features: int = 32#
Number of features
- field nonlinearity_type: Literal['gate', 'norm'] = 'gate'#
Type of nonlinearity, ‘gate’ is recommended
- field nonlinearity_scalars: Nonlinearity [Optional]#
Nonlinearity scalars
- field nonlinearity_gates: Nonlinearity [Optional]#
Nonlinearity gates
- field num_basis: int = 8#
Number of basis functions used in the radial basis
- field besselbasis_trainable: bool = True (alias 'BesselBasis_trainable')#
If true, train the bessel weights
- field polynomialcutoff_p: int = 5 (alias 'PolynomialCutoff_p')#
p-exponent used in polynomial cutoff function, smaller p corresponds to stronger decay with distance
- field invariant_layers: int = 2#
Number of radial layers, smaller is faster
- field invariant_neurons: int = 64#
Number of hidden neurons in radial function, smaller is faster
- field avg_num_neighbors: None | Literal['auto'] = 'auto'#
Number of neighbors to divide by, None => no normalization, auto computes it based on dataset
- field use_sc: bool = True#
Use self-connection or not, usually gives big improvement
- field dataset: Literal['ase'] = 'ase'#
Type of data set, can be npz or ase.Note that autoplex only supports ase at this point
- field validation_dataset: Literal['ase'] = 'ase'#
Type of validation data set, can be npz or ase.Note that autoplex only supports ase at this point
- field dataset_file_name: str = './train_nequip.extxyz'#
Name of the dataset file
- field validation_dataset_file_name: str = './test.extxyz'#
Name of the validation dataset file
- field ase_args: dict = {'format': 'extxyz'}#
Any arguments needed by
- field dataset_key_mapping: dict = {'energy': 'total_energy', 'forces': 'forces'}#
Mapping of keys in the dataset to the expected keys
- field validation_dataset_key_mapping: dict = {'energy': 'total_energy', 'forces': 'forces'}#
Mapping of keys in the validation dataset to the expected keys
- field chemical_symbols: list[str] = []#
List of chemical symbols
- field wandb: bool = False#
Use wandb for logging
- field verbose: Literal['debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical'] = 'info'#
Verbosity level
- field log_batch_freq: int = 10#
Batch frequency, how often to print training errors within the same epoch
- field log_epoch_freq: int = 1#
Epoch frequency, how often to print training errors
- field save_checkpoint_freq: int = -1#
Frequency to save the intermediate checkpoint. No saving of intermediate checkpoints when the value is not positive.
- field save_ema_checkpoint_freq: int = -1#
Frequency to save the intermediate EMA checkpoint. No saving of intermediate EMA checkpoints when the value is not positive.
- field n_train: int = 1000#
Number of training samples
- field n_val: int = 1000#
Number of validation samples
- field learning_rate: float = 0.005#
Learning rate
- field batch_size: int = 5#
Batch size
- field validation_batch_size: int = 10#
Validation batch size
- field max_epochs: int = 10000#
Maximum number of epochs
- field shuffle: bool = True#
Shuffle the dataset
- field metrics_key: str = 'validation_loss'#
Metrics used for scheduling and saving best model
- field use_ema: bool = True#
Use exponential moving average on weights for val/test
- field ema_decay: float = 0.99#
Exponential moving average decay
- field ema_use_num_updates: bool = True#
Use number of updates for EMA decay
- field report_init_validation: bool = True#
Report the validation error for just initialized model
- field early_stopping_patiences: dict = {'validation_loss': 50}#
Stop early if a metric value stopped decreasing for n epochs
- field early_stopping_lower_bounds: dict = {'LR': 1e-05}#
Stop early if a metric value is lower than the given value
- field metrics_components: list [Optional]#
Metrics components
- field optimizer_name: str = 'Adam'#
Optimizer name
- field optimizer_amsgrad: bool = True#
Use AMSGrad variant of Adam
- field lr_scheduler_name: str = 'ReduceLROnPlateau'#
Learning rate scheduler name
- field lr_scheduler_patience: int = 100#
Patience for learning rate scheduler
- field lr_scheduler_factor: float = 0.5#
Factor for learning rate scheduler
- field per_species_rescale_shifts_trainable: bool = False#
Whether the shifts are trainable. Defaults to False.
- field per_species_rescale_scales_trainable: bool = False#
Whether the scales are trainable. Defaults to False.
- field per_species_rescale_shifts: float | list[float] | Literal['dataset_per_atom_total_energy_mean', 'dataset_per_species_total_energy_mean'] = 'dataset_per_atom_total_energy_mean'#
The value can be a constant float value, an array for each species, or a string. If float values are prpvided , they must be in the same energy units as the training data
- field per_species_rescale_scales: float | list[float] | Literal['dataset_forces_absmax', 'dataset_per_atom_total_energy_std', 'dataset_per_species_total_energy_std', 'dataset_per_species_forces_rms'] = 'dataset_per_species_forces_rms'#
The value can be a constant float value, an array for each species, or a string. If float values are prpvided , they must be in the same energy units as the training data