Source code for

"""RSS (random structure searching) flow for exploring and learning potential energy surfaces from scratch."""

from dataclasses import dataclass, field

from jobflow import Flow, Maker, Response, job

from import do_rss_iterations, initial_rss
from autoplex.settings import RssConfig

[docs] @dataclass class RssMaker(Maker): """ Maker to set up and run RSS for exploring and learning potential-energy surfaces (from scratch). Parameters ---------- name: str Name of the flow. rss_config: RssConfig Pydantic model that defines the setup parameters for the whole RSS workflow. If not explicitly set, the defaults from 'autoplex.settings.RssConfig' will be used. """ name: str = "ml-driven rss" rss_config: RssConfig = field(default_factory=lambda: RssConfig())
[docs] @job def make(self, **kwargs): """ Make a rss workflow using the specified configuration file and additional keyword arguments. Parameters ---------- kwargs: dict, optional Additional optional keyword arguments to customize the job execution. Keyword Arguments ----------------- tag: str Tag of systems. It can also be used for setting up elements and stoichiometry. For example, the tag of 'SiO2' will be recognized as a 1:2 ratio of Si to O and passed into the parameters of buildcell. However, note that this will be overwritten if the stoichiometric ratio of elements is defined in the 'buildcell_options'. train_from_scratch: bool If True, it starts the workflow from scratch. If False, it resumes from a previous state. resume_from_previous_state: dict | None A dictionary containing the state information required to resume a previously interrupted or saved RSS workflow. When 'train_from_scratch' is set to False, this parameter is mandatory for the workflow to pick up from a saved state.Expected keys within this dictionary are as follows - 'test_error': float, The test error from the last completed training step. - 'pre_database_dir': str, Path to the directory containing the pre-existing database for resuming. - 'mlip_path': str, Path to the file of a previous MLIP model. - 'isolated_atom_energies': dict, A dictionary with isolated atom energy values mapped to atomic numbers. generated_struct_numbers: list[int] Expected number of generated randomized unit cells by buildcell. buildcell_options: list[dict] | None Customized parameters for buildcell. Default is None. fragment: Atoms | list[Atoms] | None Fragment(s) for random structures, e.g., molecules, to be placed individually intact. atoms.arrays should have a 'fragment_id' key with unique identifiers for each fragment if in same Atoms. atoms.cell must be defined (e.g., Atoms.cell = np.eye(3)*20). fragment_numbers: list[str] | None Numbers of each fragment to be included in the random structures. Defaults to 1 for all specified. num_processes_buildcell: int Number of processes to use for parallel computation during buildcell generation. num_of_initial_selected_structs: list[int] | None Number of structures to be sampled directly from the buildcell-generated randomized cells. num_of_rss_selected_structs: int Number of structures to be selected from each RSS iteration. initial_selection_enabled: bool If true, sample structures from initially generated randomized cells using CUR. rss_selection_method: str Method for selecting samples from the RSS trajectories: Boltzmann flat histogram in enthalpy first, then CUR. Options are as follows - 'bcur1s': Execute bcur with one shot (1s) - 'bcur2i': Execute bcur with two iterations (2i) bcur_params: dict | None Parameters for Boltzmann CUR selection. The default dictionary includes following keys soap_paras: dict SOAP descriptor parameters dict with following acceptable keys - 'l_max': int, Maximum degree of spherical harmonics (default 12). - 'n_max': int, Maximum number of radial basis functions (default 12). - 'atom_sigma': float, Width of Gaussian smearing (default 0.0875). - 'cutoff': float, Radial cutoff distance (default 10.5). - 'cutoff_transition_width': float, Width of the transition region (default 1.0). - 'zeta': float,Exponent for dot-product SOAP kernel (default 4.0). - 'average': bool, Whether to average the SOAP vectors (default True). - 'species': bool, Whether to consider species information (default True). kb_temp: float Temperature in eV for Boltzmann weighting (default 0.3). frac_of_bcur: float Fraction of Boltzmann CUR selections (default 0.8). bolt_max_num: int Maximum number of Boltzmann selections (default 3000). kernel_exp: float Exponent for the kernel (default 4.0). energy_label: str Label for the energy data (default 'energy'). random_seed: int | None A seed to ensure reproducibility of CUR selection. Default is None. include_isolated_atom: bool If true, perform single-point calculations for isolated atoms. isolatedatom_box: list[float] List of the lattice constants for an isolated atom configuration. e0_spin: bool If true, include spin polarization in isolated atom and dimer calculations. Default is False. include_dimer: bool If true, perform single-point calculations for dimers only once. Default is False. dimer_box: list[float] The lattice constants of a dimer box. dimer_range: list[float] Range of distances for dimer calculations. dimer_num: int Number of different distances to consider for dimer calculations. Default is 21. custom_incar: dict | None Dictionary of custom VASP input parameters. If provided, will update the default parameters. Default is None. custom_potcar: dict | None Dictionary of POTCAR settings to update. Keys are element symbols, values are the desired POTCAR labels. Default is None. vasp_ref_file: str Reference file for VASP data. Default is 'vasp_ref.extxyz'. config_types: list[str] Configuration types for the VASP calculations. Default is None. rss_group: list[str] | str Group name for RSS to setting up regularization. test_ratio: float The proportion of the test set after splitting the data. The value is allowed to be set to 0; in this case, the testing error would not be meaningful anymore. regularization: bool If True, apply regularization. This only works for GAP to date. Default is False. retain_existing_sigma: bool Whether to keep the current sigma values for specific configuration types. If set to True, existing sigma values for specific configurations will remain unchanged. scheme: str Method to use for regularization. Options are - 'linear_hull': for single-composition system, use 2D convex hull (E, V) - 'volume-stoichiometry': for multi-composition system, use 3D convex hull of (E, V, mole-fraction) reg_minmax: list[tuple] List of tuples of (min, max) values for energy, force, virial sigmas for regularization. distillation: bool If true, apply data distillation. Default is True. force_max: float | None Maximum force value to exclude structures. Default is 50. force_label: str | None The label of force values to use for distillation. Default is 'REF_forces'. pre_database_dir: str | None Directory where the previous database was saved. mlip_type: str Choose one specific MLIP type to be fitted: 'GAP' | 'J-ACE' | 'NEQUIP' | 'M3GNET' | 'MACE'. Default is 'GAP'. ref_energy_name: str Reference energy name. Default is 'REF_energy'. ref_force_name: str Reference force name. Default is 'REF_forces'. ref_virial_name: str Reference virial name. Default is 'REF_virial'. auto_delta: bool If true, apply automatic determination of delta for GAP terms. Default is False. num_processes_fit: int Number of processes used for fitting. Default is 1. device_for_fitting: str Device to be used for model fitting, either "cpu" or "cuda". scalar_pressure_method: str Method for adding external pressures. Acceptable options are as follows - 'exp': Applies pressure using an exponential distribution. - 'uniform': Applies pressure using a uniform distribution. scalar_exp_pressure: float Scalar exponential pressure. Default is 100. scalar_pressure_exponential_width: float Width for scalar pressure exponential. Default is 0.2. scalar_pressure_low: float Low limit for scalar pressure. Default is 0. scalar_pressure_high: float High limit for scalar pressure. Default is 50. max_steps: int Maximum number of steps for relaxation. Default is 200. force_tol: float Force residual tolerance for relaxation. Default is 0.05. stress_tol: float Stress residual tolerance for relaxation. Default is 0.05. hookean_repul: bool If true, apply Hookean repulsion. Default is False. hookean_paras: dict[tuple[int, int], tuple[float, float]] | None Parameters for Hookean repulsion as a dictionary of tuples. Default is None. keep_symmetry: bool If true, preserve symmetry during relaxation. Default is False. write_traj: bool If true, write trajectory of RSS. Default is True. num_processes_rss: int Number of processes used for running RSS. Default is 1. device_for_rss: str Specify device to use "cuda" or "cpu" for running RSS. Default is "cpu". stop_criterion: float Convergence criterion for stopping RSS iterations. Default is 0.01. max_iteration_number: int Maximum number of RSS iterations to perform. Default is 25. num_groups: int Number of structure groups, used for assigning tasks across multiple nodes. For example, if there are 10,000 trajectories to relax and 'num_groups=10', the trajectories will be divided into 10 groups and 10 independent jobs will be created, with each job handling 1,000 trajectories. initial_kb_temp: float Initial temperature (in eV) for Boltzmann sampling. Default is 0.3. current_iter_index: int Index for the current RSS iteration. Default is 1. **fit_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for the MLIP fitting process. Returns ------- dict: A dictionary with following information - 'test_error': float, The test error of the fitted MLIP. - 'pre_database_dir': str, The directory of the latest RSS database. - 'mlip_path': List of path to the latest fitted MLIP. - 'isolated_atom_energies': dict, The isolated energy values. - 'current_iter': int, The current iteration index. - 'kb_temp': float, The temperature (in eV) for Boltzmann sampling. """ default_config = self.rss_config.model_copy(deep=True) if kwargs: default_config.update_parameters(kwargs) config_params = default_config.model_dump(by_alias=True, exclude_none=True) # Extract MLIP hyperparameters from the config_params mlip_hypers = config_params["mlip_hypers"][config_params["mlip_type"]] del config_params["mlip_hypers"] config_params.update(mlip_hypers) self._process_hookean_paras(config_params) if "train_from_scratch" not in config_params: raise ValueError( "'train_from_scratch' must be set in the configuration file or passed as a keyword argument!!" ) rss_flow = [] if config_params["train_from_scratch"]: initial_exclude_keys = [ "train_from_scratch", "resume_from_previous_state", "config_types", "rss_group", "num_of_rss_selected_structs", "rss_selection_method", "scalar_pressure_method", "scalar_exp_pressure", "scalar_pressure_exponential_width", "scalar_pressure_low", "scalar_pressure_high", "max_steps", "force_tol", "stress_tol", "stop_criterion", "max_iteration_number", "num_groups", "initial_kb_temp", "current_iter_index", "hookean_repul", "hookean_paras", "keep_symmetry", "write_traj", "num_processes_rss", "device_for_rss", ] initial_params = { k: v for k, v in config_params.items() if k not in initial_exclude_keys } initial_params.update( { "config_type": config_params["config_types"][0], "rss_group": config_params["rss_group"][0], } ) initial_rss_job = initial_rss(**initial_params) rss_flow.append(initial_rss_job) rss_group = config_params["rss_group"] config_types = config_params["config_types"] do_rss_group = rss_group[0] if len(rss_group) == 1 else rss_group[-1] rss_config_type = ( config_types[0] if len(config_types) == 1 else config_types[1:] ) rss_exclude_keys = [ "train_from_scratch", "resume_from_previous_state", "pre_database_dir", ] rss_params = { k: v for k, v in config_params.items() if k not in rss_exclude_keys } rss_params.update( { "num_of_initial_selected_structs": None, "initial_selection_enabled": False, "rss_group": do_rss_group, "config_types": rss_config_type, } ) if config_params["train_from_scratch"]: rss_params.update({"include_isolated_atom": False}) rss_params.update({"include_dimer": False}) do_rss_job = do_rss_iterations( input=initial_rss_job.output, **rss_params, ) else: if "resume_from_previous_state" not in config_params: raise ValueError( "The parameter 'resume_from_previous_state' must be specified when 'train_from_scratch' is False." ) resume_from_previous_state = config_params["resume_from_previous_state"] do_rss_job = do_rss_iterations( input=resume_from_previous_state, **rss_params, ) rss_flow.append(do_rss_job) return Response(replace=Flow(rss_flow), output=do_rss_job.output)
@staticmethod def _process_hookean_paras(config): if "hookean_paras" in config and config["hookean_paras"] is not None: config["hookean_paras"] = { tuple(map(int, k.strip("()").split(", "))): tuple(v) for k, v in config["hookean_paras"].items() }