- autoplex.auto.phonons.jobs.dft_phonopy_gen_data(structure, mp_id, displacements, symprec, phonon_bulk_relax_maker, phonon_static_energy_maker, phonon_displacement_maker, supercell_settings)[source]#
Job to generate DFT reference database using phonopy to be used for fitting ML potentials.
- Parameters:
structure (Structure) – The pymatgen Structure object.
mp_id (str) – Materials Project ID.
phonon_displacement_maker (.BaseVaspMaker or None) – Maker used to compute the forces for a supercell.
phonon_bulk_relax_maker (BaseVaspMaker) – Maker used for the bulk relax unit cell calculation.
phonon_static_energy_maker (BaseVaspMaker) – Maker used for the static energy unit cell calculation.
displacements (list[float]) – List of phonon displacement.
symprec (float) – Symmetry precision to use in the reduction of symmetry to find the primitive/conventional cell (use_primitive_standard_structure, use_conventional_standard_structure) and to handle all symmetry-related tasks in phonopy.
supercell_settings – Settings for supercell generation.