-, benchmark_structures=None, benchmark_mp_ids=None, dft_references=None, pre_xyz_files=None, pre_database_dir=None, fit_kwargs_list=None)[source]#
Job to collect and process all phonon-related output information for a potential restart of the flow.
This function aggregates benchmark results, DFT reference data, and other input parameters to determine the best fit RMSE from phonon calculations across all benchmark fits.
- Parameters:
metrics (list[dict]) – List of metric dictionaries from complete_benchmark jobs.
dft_references (list[PhononBSDOSDoc] | None) – List of DFT reference files containing the PhononBSDOCDoc object. Reference files have to refer to a finite displacement of 0.01. For benchmarking, only 0.01 is supported
benchmark_structures (list[Structure] | None) – The pymatgen structure for benchmarking.
benchmark_mp_ids (list[str] | None) – Materials Project ID of the benchmarking structure.
pre_xyz_files (list[str] or None) – Names of the pre-database train xyz file and test xyz file.
pre_database_dir (str or None) – The pre-database directory.
fit_kwargs_list (list[dict].) – Dict including MLIP fit keyword args.