
ml_phonon_maker_preparation#, relax_maker_kwargs, static_maker_kwargs, bulk_relax_maker, phonon_displacement_maker, static_energy_maker)[source]#

Prepare the MLPhononMaker for the respective MLIP model.

bulk_relax_maker: .ForceFieldRelaxMaker or None

Maker to perform a tight relaxation on the bulk. Set to None to skip the bulk relaxation

static_energy_maker: .ForceFieldStaticMaker or None

Maker to perform the computation of the DFT energy on the bulk. Set to None to skip the static energy computation

phonon_displacement_maker: .ForceFieldStaticMaker or None

Maker used to compute the forces for a supercell.

relax_maker_kwargs: dict

Keyword arguments that can be passed to the RelaxMaker.

static_maker_kwargs: dict

Keyword arguments that can be passed to the StaticMaker.

  • calculator_kwargs (dict)

  • relax_maker_kwargs (dict | None)

  • static_maker_kwargs (dict | None)

  • bulk_relax_maker (ForceFieldRelaxMaker)

  • phonon_displacement_maker (ForceFieldStaticMaker)

  • static_energy_maker (ForceFieldStaticMaker)

Return type:

tuple[ForceFieldRelaxMaker | None, ForceFieldStaticMaker | None, ForceFieldStaticMaker | None]