-, mlip_type, mlip_path, output_file_name='RSS_relax_results', scalar_pressure_method='exp', scalar_exp_pressure=100, scalar_pressure_exponential_width=0.2, scalar_pressure_low=0, scalar_pressure_high=50, max_steps=1000, force_tol=0.01, stress_tol=0.01, hookean_repul=False, hookean_paras=None, write_traj=True, device='cpu', isolated_atom_energies=None, config_type='traj', keep_symmetry=True)[source]#
Run RSS on a single thread using MLIPs.
- Parameters:
atom (Atoms) – ASE Atoms object representing the atomic configuration.
mlip_type (str) – Choose one specific MLIP type: ‘GAP’ | ‘J-ACE’ | ‘NequIP’ | ‘M3GNet’ | ‘MACE’.
mlip_path (str | list[str]) – Path to the MLIP model or List of Path to the MLIP model.
output_file_name (str) – Prefix for the trajectory/log file name. The actual output file name may be composed of this prefix, an index, and file types.
scalar_pressure_method (str) – Method for adding external pressures. Default is ‘exp’.
scalar_exp_pressure (float) – Scalar exponential pressure. Default is 100.
scalar_pressure_exponential_width (float) – Width for scalar pressure exponential. Default is 0.2.
scalar_pressure_low (float) – Low limit for scalar pressure. Default is 0.
scalar_pressure_high (float) – High limit for scalar pressure. Default is 50.
max_steps (int) – Maximum number of steps for relaxation. Default is 1000.
force_tol (float) – Force residual tolerance for relaxation. Default is 0.01.
stress_tol (float) – Stress residual tolerance for relaxation. Default is 0.01.
hookean_repul (bool) – If true, apply Hookean repulsion. Default is False.
hookean_paras (dict[tuple[int, int], tuple[float, float]]) – Parameters for Hookean repulsion as a dictionary of tuples. Default is None.
write_traj (bool) – If true, write trajectory of RSS. Default is True.
device (str) – Specify the device to use: “cuda” or “cpu”.
isolated_atom_energies (dict) – Dictionary of isolated atoms energies.
config_type (str) – Specify the type of configurations generated from RSS.
keep_symmetry (bool) – If true, preserve symmetry during relaxation.
- Returns:
Output string containing path for the results of the RSS relaxation.
- Return type:
str | None